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  • Writer's pictureCorbin W. Riley

Trash Day Comes Early

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

"I am reminding you..." ~1 Corinthians 15:1

My "trash day" is every Thursday morning, but I have the bin down to the curb every Wednesday afternoon. The neighbors might think I need to learn how to read a calendar; regardless, my awareness of what day it is (the day before trash day) enables me to never be stuck with excess garbage. I have a reminder on my phone that I must check off before I can turn in for the evening. Without this reminder, life's daily toils would likely cause me to forget or, at the very least, scramble to get my trash can to the curb on time.

Having a reminder isn't just helpful; it's necessary to keep ourselves on a productive path. This is why Paul tells the Corinthians, "I am reminding you, brothers and sisters, of the Gospel I preached to you, which you indeed received and in which you also stand. Through it you are also being saved..." (2). Let this be your reminder, not just to remember the Gospel, but to integrate it into your daily life so you don't find yourself scrambling on the most important day. If you live with the belief the Lord is coming tomorrow and that He's expecting you, you'll always be ready to give an account (1 Peter 3:15) of your hope, be victorious in spiritual warfare (Eph 6:16), and ultimately be saved. Failing to heed Paul's reminder will set you up for an inconsistent life of spiritual frustration. Stand up for His standards and always improve the present moment.

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