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  • Writer's pictureCorbin W. Riley


"in the whole world it is bearing fruit and growing" ~Colossians 1:6

Did you know the universe is constantly expanding? Do you know why? Well, neither do I, but if you could travel to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, you would never find the end. In Paul's letter to the Colossians, he reminds them that from the day they learned of the Gospel, it has blossomed in their life. Now, it is expanding throughout the whole world! Something fascinating is happening here. The Gospel is subjectively affecting the individual while objectively affecting diverse communities worldwide. What does this tell us? The expanse of the Good News cannot be hindered by cultural, linguistic, or physical barriers. Not even time can make it go out of style! In a nutshell, the Gospel is for everyone of all ages of every period on Earth! Once God's Good News entered our world, it could not stop from growing, just like the universe will not stop expanding. The same should be true for your life. If you already have accepted "the grace of God in truth," then let it grow! But if you have something standing in the way of the ever-expanding Gospel from entering your life, remove that barrier immediately and experience true joy and freedom! Always improve the present moment.

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