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  • Writer's pictureCorbin W. Riley

Get Up and Go

But an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, "Get up and go south to the road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza." (This is a desert road.) So he got ready and went" ~Acts 8:26-27 When a woman is nearing the time for her baby to be born, she has a "go bag" ready to take to the hospital. It contains, well, I'm not going to pretend to know what it contains; I at least know it has the essentials she needs for a comfortable stay in the hospital until she can go home. She knows it's necessary to be prepared when the baby comes due. The last thing she or her husband wants to worry about is rifling through the house stuffing things into a bag when it's time to go to the hospital. Despite not knowing what's ahead when labor comes, they know they're ready to go. Philip is much like the expecting parents. He's not sure what the Lord has in store for him, but he knows great things are ahead, and he understands that because he's ready to go at a moment's notice. Once Philip goes down the road, he finds a man reading Scripture but doesn't understand what he's reading. Once Philip reveals it to him the man chooses to be baptized right there. If Philip hadn't obeyed the Lord, who knows what would've become of that man's salvation. As Christians, we must follow Philip's example. Always be ready because you never know when the Lord will ask you to do something for Him. Remember, it's not for us to know what He has for us to do. Philip was simply told to go down the road; he wasn't told what to expect. Let the mystery of what the Lord has in store excite you! Like an expecting mother, we know something great is coming, we don't know the details of how it will all play out, but we know when the Lord asks of us, it's for a special purpose. Always improve the present moment.

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