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  • Writer's pictureCorbin W. Riley

God's Grand Blueprint

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

"The LORD has made everything for its own purpose" ~Proverbs 16:4

When architects design a structure, whether a house or building, they use diazo paper coated with a light-sensitive solution that reacts to ammonia gas. When the blueprint is exposed to light, the solution turns blue and creates the lines and text on the paper. The architect creates multiple phases of the structure and overlays them over one another to create a complete design that can only be seen once the sheets are placed over the light. Using multiple sheets allows them to make more detailed drawings. Each layer represents a different design aspect, such as electrical or plumbing. These elements are of little use until they are combined to create the grand design. Have you ever thought of interacting with Scripture like you would a blueprint? Pete Greig, from 24-7 Prayer International, challenged my way of thinking about Scripture in his Session 2 on Lectio Divina. We're not to look at the Bible as a 2D picture but rather as a window that not only expands our perspective into the frame but draws us in as part of the image. Jesus said, "You are the light of the world" (Matt 5:14). Since you are the light and God's Word the blueprint, does that mean you are overlaying the living Word onto your life? Are you reading Jesus into your life today or merely thinking of Him in the past? I believe the cause of many Christian's frustration and confusion concerning the Lord's will and how we fit into it is caused by our "fission" (seeing myself and Scripture separately) instead of rightfully fusing the two. Paul informs us in Galatians 2:20 (one of the most pivotal verses of Scripture for me), "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." Never forget, “The Word of God is first and foremost a person and secondly a book. Our relationship is with the living Word of God in Jesus, through the written word of God in the Bible and not the other way around" (Greig). Once you begin actively merging the Word as God's living blueprint instead of God's guidebook into your life, you will become what you were always meant to be! Jesus lived his life to the fullest by living His Father's plan, and you can too! Scripture is the living blueprint; you are the light of Creation; by bringing the two together, you fulfill God's grand design. Always improve the present moment!

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