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  • Writer's pictureCorbin W. Riley

Holy Week: Two-Minutes of Hate or Hope?

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

"one of you will betray me." ~Matthew 26:21

During Holy Week, we experience a mix of emotions. We're excited about Easter, but we try to be mindful of Jesus's horrible crucifixion to come before. After all, there's no Easter without the cross. We're also sad about what Jesus must endure for our sins. We're angry at Judas for being the catalyst leading to Jesus's arrest. In George Orwell's seminal novel, 1984, each day, everyone takes a break to express two minutes of hate for their nemesis Goldstein. It's meant as a supposedly cathartic practice--creating patriotic unity among the citizens of Oceania. In reality, (spoiler alert) Goldstein is merely a facade designed to control the Oceanians.

I hope no one in modern Christendom treats Judas like Goldstein this week (or any time), but nevertheless, we still think of him scornfully. While it is true Judas did commit a grave sin, he wasn't the only one who betrayed Jesus that night. In fact, all of the disciples fled from their Master save for John. Don't forget leading up to Good Friday that Jesus died for your sins. When you come to this realization, you'll understand that you have betrayed Jesus too. It's a sorrowful feeling to know you betrayed the one person who loves you and never did you wrong. Don't wallow in that sorrow like Judas. This Holy Week, ask Jesus to forgive you of any wrong, knowingly and unwittingly, don't hate yourself for it. Instead, submit yourself to the Master, and rejoice on Easter morning that you are forgiven.

Have a blessed Holy Week, and always improve the present moment.

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