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  • Writer's pictureCorbin W. Riley

How Shall We Escape?

"For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?" ~Hebrews 2:2-3 There's a funny, cautionary anecdote about discarding God's helping hand. I'm sure most of you have heard some variation of it. It goes like this: A man is sitting on his roof due to the rising flood waters that have struck his home. He's waiting patiently for God to save him. Someone comes by in a paddle boat and offers him a ride out. He declines, saying he's waiting patiently for God to save him. After a while, the water is higher, but the man is still confident he'll be saved by God. A rescue boat approaches, carrying a few people. Again, he declines the offer, saying he's waiting patiently for God to save him. Now, the water is about to consume him, but he's still confident God will save him. Finally, a helicopter descends with a rope ladder--this is his final way of escape. Alas, the man refuses because God is about to save him! Finally, the man perishes, and once he's in Heaven, he approaches God, asking, "God, why didn't you save me?" God answers, "I sent you two boats and a helicopter! I did try to save you!" As you can see in the story, the man neglected the salvation God provided for him. The writer in Hebrews is pointing out to us the same thing. Angels have prophesied correctly, wrongdoing received just retribution, and God showed us signs, wonders, and miracles and distributed gifts by the Holy Spirit. If you still require more to verify your salvation, then the fault is yours, not God's. Our Creator has done immensely more than we deserve to bring us to salvation. If we neglect His "great salvation" then there is no escape...we deserve our choice or lack thereof. Each day find at least one thing to be grateful to God for and when you do remember your "great salvation." Always improve the present moment.

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