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  • Writer's pictureCorbin W. Riley

Let the Truth Out

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

"the angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison." ~Acts 5:19

In Acts 5:17-26, we see how God miraculously delivered the apostles from prison and sent them back to preach the gospel. It is an incredible passage I encourage you to read. No earthly or spiritual power could prevent them from preaching the truth! There are three main takeaways we should think about: -God is sovereign over all situations. He can open any door and set free any captive. He can protect His servants from any harm and fulfill His purposes through them. Nothing can stop His will from being done.

- od is faithful to His promises. He promised to be with His followers always, to give them power and wisdom, and to use them as His witnesses. He fulfilled these promises by sending His angel to rescue them, by giving them courage and boldness to preach, and by adding more believers to His church.

-God is worthy of our obedience. He commanded the apostles to go and speak all the words of this life. They obeyed Him without hesitation or fear. They did not compromise or water down their message. They did not let persecution or opposition stop them from doing what God wanted them to do. How about us? Are we trusting in God's sovereignty, faithfulness, and worthiness? Are we obeying His commands and sharing His gospel with others? Let's pray that God would help us to follow the example of the apostles and be faithful witnesses for Him.

Always improve the present moment.

~Corbin Riley

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