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  • Writer's pictureCorbin W. Riley

Never Go Hungry

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

"whoever comes to me will never hunger." ~John 6:35

In John 6:35-40 Jesus declares that He is the bread of life and that whoever comes to Him will never be hungry or thirsty. He also promises to raise up those who believe in Him on the last day. What does this mean for us? It means that Jesus is our ultimate source of satisfaction and security. He is the one who can fill our deepest needs and desires. He is the one who can give us eternal life and hope. He is the one who can keep us safe and secure in his hands. How do we come to him? By faith. By trusting in His words and His work on the cross. By accepting His gift of grace and forgiveness. By following His commands and His example. By loving Him and loving others. Friends, let us come to Jesus today and every day. Let us live in Him and for Him. Let us enjoy His bread of life and His living water. Let us look forward to His glorious return and His resurrection power. Amen!

Always improve the present moment.

~Corbin Riley

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