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  • Writer's pictureCorbin W. Riley

Thanksgiving Day Is Upon Us

“We’ve got another holiday to worry about. It seems Thanksgiving Day is upon us.” ~Charlie Brown Well, it seems Thanksgiving Day is upon us. It's tomorrow, in fact! Do you have everything ready? Is the food cooking? Is the house picture-perfect? Are you pulling a Charlie Brown and worrying? The night before Jesus started his journey to the cross he had a lot to be worried about. When he was at dinner with his disciples "he took bread, gave thanks and broke it" (Luke 22:19). Notice Jesus still gave thanks to God despite the pre-ordained suffering he was about to endure. Now, maybe you consider getting together with certain parts of the family pre-ordained suffering but don't let that be your focus this Thanksgiving. When the Pilgrims had their first Thanksgiving it was to give thanks to God for giving them a place to worship in freedom and live without tyranny. They didn't have air conditioning, cars, paved roads, convection ovens, or any of our modern comforts. They still gave thanks not solely for what they had but because they acknowledged God was taking care of them. This Thanksgiving there are reasons to be frustrated with the high cost of food, fuel, and many other problems, but while we're in this world there will always be problems. Focus on all the things you have to be thankful for and let God know it with how you live your life and interact with others. It can be the best Thanksgiving ever because you can make it the best Thanksgiving ever! Always improve the present moment.

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